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“… a funny, low-key look at nerd culture…” - Hugh Hart, Wired

"Computer Chess could be a new Doctor Strangelove. Hilarious and brilliant." - Nathan Renaud, Accréds

“An endearingly nutty, proudly analog tribute to the ultra-nerdy innovators of yesteryear.” - Justin Chang, Variety


Courtesy Computer Chess LLC:

♟   Official Movie Poster

♜   Bishton Facing Camera

♞   TSAR Team Playing

♟   Director Photo

★★★★“(A) rather brilliantly conceived study. …About as perfect a rendering of the era as you could ask for…the acting is uniformlysuperb: every twitch, every stumble, every stutter is deployed with absolutely plausibility. Bujalski really has pulled off something extraordinary here… As an act of cultural archeology I can think of few better.”
- Andrew Pulver, The Guardian

“Funny and poignant, it’s also a witty satire on technology and how today’s cutting-edge will be tomorrow’s quaint kitsch.” - Mark Olsen, Los Angeles Times